Saturday, May 9, 2009

Pet Sitter Woes

Nothing worse that going to a new client to do a little pet sitting & some dog walking only to find that the new key doesn't work. It's happened to me and it's frightening. I've had to break in twice. Thank goodness the clients were glad that I did. Good for me that I wasn't arrested. So, a little advise: Whether you're a pet owner that's leaving your pet with a pet sitter or you're a pet sitter taking care of those pets. TRY the key 1st while client is there with you.

1 comment:

  1. Checking keys while you are doing the consultation is a must. Oh, so today I was doing a cat visit and threw the envelope with the keys inside down the trash chute instead of the cat's litter. Oh my...I'm so glad the building's maintenance guys helped me out.
